Outdoor gear that stands up to the conditions and overseas competitors
MTAF2.0 Award | $177,640

Made in Maine
Of the world’s toughest, lightest packs
There may be no better word to describe Maine than “rugged.” It’s true of its people. Its weather. Its natural beauty. And it’s certainly true of the high-quality outdoor equipment being produced by Hyperlite.
Making outdoor gear in the state that practically lives outdoors was an easy move. Taking on companies who have decades of experience, use cheaper materials and cut costs by outsourcing production overseas? Not so much. But again, Mainers are rugged, and Hyperlite wasn’t going to back down.
Hyperlite is using their MTAF 2.0 award to help purchase a precision CNC cutting machine and automated sewing machines that are just as modern and high-tech as their gear. They’ve already significantly increased the yield on their fabrics—which is vital considering they can cost up to 15-times more than lower-quality materials used by competitors. By producing superior products more efficiently and effectively, this young company is keeping up with the global Goliaths and keeping jobs right here in Maine.
Hyperlite gear has journeyed from a rehabbed 1880s mill in Biddeford to all seven continents. It’s even climbed Mt. Everest. Now it’s ready to take on the status quo in the outdoor industry.