MTI Announces Awards of $2.16M to Support 10 Innovative Projects that will Create and Retain Over 1600 Jobs

August 31, 2020

Funding from the MTAF2.5 Program will create and retain over 1,600 jobs across the State of Maine from the north (Limestone and Madawaska), south (Springvale), and east (Eastport), as well as points in between (Brewer, Brunswick, Lisbon, Thomaston, Waldoboro and Westbrook)

Brunswick, ME –The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) has approved ten (10) awards from the Maine Technology Asset Fund 2.5 (MTAF2.5) program. The MTAF2.5 Program is financed by a bond approved by voters in June 2017 that MTI manages on behalf of the State of Maine. With these awards, MTI also augmented the bond funds with $202,099 of its core funding.

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