Unlocking Our Regenerative Power: Nature’s Regeneration Drug

Date: July 18, 2018

Time: 5:00 PM

Where: Maine Center for Biomedical Research, MDI Biological Laboratory

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.

For decades, scientists have been defeated in their attempts to find a treatment that effectively reverses the life-threatening damage caused by heart attacks. Now scientists at Novo Biosciences, a spinoff of the MDI Biological Laboratory, have identified the first and only drug candidate that stimulates a damaged heart to repair itself.

In this lecture, President Kevin Strange, Ph.D., will discuss how scientists at the MDI Biological Laboratory are learning from nature how to trigger the powerful mechanisms for regeneration and regrowth that lie dormant in our genes. Their unique approach could lead to drugs to regenerate heart and other types of tissue — from spinal cords injured in accidents to skeletal muscle damaged by muscular dystrophy. Please join us to learn how the exciting discoveries being made at the MDI Biological Laboratory could transform the treatment of human disease.

Reception to follow.

FMI Contact MDIBL at 288-3605