Maine Technology Institute Awards $65,120 in Five Grants to Maine Companies

The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) approved 5 new grant applications in June 2015, totaling $65,120 in awards to entrepreneurs from across Maine to advance new product and process development in biotechnology, environmental technology, and information technology. This round of MTI awards leveraged over $87,850 of matching contributions from the award recipients.
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Maine Technology Institute Announces $1.47 Million in Four New Awards to Boost Maine’s High-Potential Technology Cluster

The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) approved four new awards from its Cluster Initiative Program (CIP) for collaborative projects that boost Maine’s high-potential technology-intensive clusters. Awards made under the CIP program support the success of Maine businesses by funding joint work of companies, service providers, research laboratories and educational institutions and expanding the infrastructure that helps them to thrive. This round of CIP awards leveraged $3,225,100 in matching contributions from the award recipients. Read more »

Maine Technology Institute Funds $1,036,600 in 24 Awards to Maine Companies

Awards support innovative technology projects in six sectors and eight counties

June 16, 2015

Contact: Brian Whitney, President
Maine Technology Institute
[email protected]

BRUNSWICK, MAINE - The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) approved 21 new grant applications and 3 Development Loan applications in May and June 2015, totaling $1,036,600 in awards to entrepreneurs from across Maine to advance new product and process development in biotechnology, composite materials, environmental technology, information technology, aquaculture and marine technology, and precision manufacturing technology. This round of MTI awards leveraged $1,685,017 of matching contributions from the award recipients.

Awards from this round include:
• Three (3) Development Loans totaling $601,296

• Nineteen (19) Seed Grants totaling $425,304

• One (1) Phase 0 Kickstarter Grant totaling $5,000

• One (1) Tech Start Grant totaling $5,000

“MTI investments in research, development and commercialization activities are a vital part of growing Maine’s innovation economy,” said Brian Whitney, MTI’s President. “The projects funded in this round cover 6 of our state’s 7 targeted technology sectors, help leverage private sector matching investments of over $1.6 million, and comprise of established Maine companies and start-up ventures.” Read more »